A series of games based on the television series is not a tautology. This is a lot of money. Therefore, from a project of this type, one can expect anything, only not a low-budget-industrial species. But, go, the developers still manage to glue something to the poor thing that remains only to be given: what are the funds made from the https://pitompitbike.it/pages/22bet-casino-review-una-guida-completa-per-i-giocatori-italiani.html use of a promoted brand?

Products from the series Advent CSI According to the crime TV-opera of the same name, they never looked like class games aaa. But there were certain advantages in them, nevertheless, there were: for example, an extraordinary detective plot. Graphics, by no means belonged to the category "The top of perfection", But she did not amaze with her squalor completely frankly. But the last project of the publishing house Ubisoft called CSI: New York does not withstand criticism under any sauce.

Feel like a star ..

"It happened! Finally, the player may not be in the skin of an unknown trainee under the investigation bureau, but in the role of the very protagonist of the series!" – The developers tried to convey this enthusiastic message to us, promoting their new product. Indeed, now we can rejoice during the game, looking at the avatar of Mac Taylor or Stella Bonasers, a friendly one hanging in the corner of the screen. But, since the quest is not just in the first person, but in style "I’m looking for", The personification of the hero in this case is of secondary importance.

At our service – traditional five cases. To the good disappointment of fans of the series, the plots of the proposed episodes look to the impossibility of secondary. Ay-yai-yai, it turns out that the victim has a strange tattoo on his hand made by special ink! Surely this is due to a certain mysterious cult and bloody rituals. Original, isn’t it? It’s not scary that all signs, symbols and scars are on the body of every third detective series killed in every second detective?

Observing the process of collecting evidence carried out by our valiant heroes, you will involuntarily have to suspect thoughtful investigators in the detrimental addiction to pull everything that lies badly. From "Interpretated" It will go well if a quarter of all objects. Why, one wonders, the detective drags the rest in his pocket? Moreover, we note that if our character does not pick up any unnoticed plastic cup from under Coca-Cola, they will not allow us to advance on the plot. Where is the logic, where is the mind?

… and collect the stars

As an incentive for a good job, a detective "fall" Stars. In addition to collecting all rubbish, our hero has to interrogate important witnesses, along the way "Applying" They have evidence to talk. Alas, whether it is worth mentioning that in the dialogs there are completely no not only highlight and humor, but even ordinary logic? The tattooist from the salon discusses the spirituality and the rich inner world of the guy to whom she made a tattoo – and immediately explains that the client was clearly not in himself.

Another important element of gameplay is puzzles, squeezed by developers into the most inappropriate plot niches. For example, to gain access to someone else’s computer, you need not to choose a password, but to solve an analogue "Su-do-ku". To collect the blood sample, it is necessary to circle, I apologize, puddle with a cursor along the contour. In terms of complexity, these tasks are designed for a maximum of third -grader. By degree "Montainability" with the main plot – pull on a deuce with three disadvantages.

And, of course, one cannot fail to note our "assistants" – expert, pathologist and others like them. Their participation in the investigation process comes down to passive observation of the hero’s actions and rare approving comments when he succeeds. Logical: what else to do a detective, how not to come to the laboratory to a pathologist and not start to host there.

Finally, in order not to completely burden our gray matter, the developers laid Hintes in the game. You cannot find another murderer’s unlimited sock? Not a problem – click on the button, and everyone shows you. Convenient, true?

Star disease

Finally, the most regrettable point of our list is graphics. Apparently, guys in Ubisoft We decided that it was too early for them to wave the three -dimensionality (or it’s too late). Therefore, the visual side CSI: New York was solved in the style of the comic book. This did not work for the benefit of the game: in combination with a wretched gameplay and a flat plot, such a video sequence directly screams about the meager budget of the project. Active points are poorly visible, you can detect them on a nastyly drawn background, only periodically resorting to the help of tips. The characters stand in pillars, count on any animation or facial expressions in principle. A similar adventure could be released ten years ago – and that could have been late. Now the graphic solution CSI: New York It looks just funny in the context of the modern capabilities of the gaming industry.

It is difficult to even imagine who can recommend this masterpiece. Fans of the series will surely be disappointed with the game embodiment of their beloved detective. For the rest of Advenchur, it is not the slightest interest.

Pros: can be played by Mak Taylor himself.
Cons: Everything else.

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